Refreshing resins and charcoal

Refreshing resins and coal in the most advanced way to maintain a greener and healthier environment for the future. Ecology Services offers advanced technologies for waste treatment and comprehensive process management. Contact us for advice and more details!

In order to continue to reap the benefits of the resins over time, a periodic regeneration of the resins must be carried out. Thus, during the regeneration process, we will replace the resin columns and remove the pollutants from them so that they can once again take part in the sanitation process at your factory.

When the resins do not undergo a regeneration process at the appropriate time, contaminants may leak through the column into the production line.

Resins are used in industry for the purposes of neutralizing and filtering liquids.

To ensure the integrity of the production line in which the water is treated in the columns, a periodic regeneration of the resins must be carried out.

During the regeneration process, we replace the resin columns and remove the contaminants from them so that they can once again take part in the relevant systems at your factory.

We regenerate different ion replacement columns for you, according to your needs and requirements – anionic resins / cationic resins / mixes and charcoal.

Columns of different volumes can be ordered / regenerated.

Our customers in the field of resin regeneration include customers from the following fields: The defense industry, electronics, metals, coatings, jewelry manufacturing, etc.



Before ordering, consult with us


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