Handling of aerosol containers

Treatment and neutralization of aerosol cans (sprays) is an important step towards maintaining a greener and healthier environment for the future. We offer advanced technologies for waste treatment and full process management. Contact us for consultation and more details!

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As a company committed to the highest international standards, we at Ecology Services provide handling and neutralization services for aerosol canisters or pressure vessels.

With the help of our unique technology – the most advanced available, which is expressed by leading technical equipment.

Our company has a machine that takes care of efficient punching and drainage of the containers in order to completely neutralize the containers.

We punch and empty the hazardous gas from the tanks uniquely and then compress the tanks that are then transferred for recycling.

To complete the process, the liquids are transferred for treatment to a site authorized and supervised by the Ministry of Environmental Protection.


Aerosol containers – innocent-looking sprays that we have in every home, whether they are deodorants, fragrance diffusers, pesticides or even cooking oil spray that we have in our kitchen.

All of these sprays are a tangible danger as we all know – an initial danger to the environment, through the emission of toxic gases to the ozone and an additional and immediate danger – to us and our family members.

As every child knows, aerosol is an excellent combustible material when you want to make an improvised fireworks display, from accessible materials.

Even an empty aerosol can still poses a danger because it contains gas and liquid residues.

Throwing an empty or full aerosol can into the trash bin can result in serious injuries and even loss of life!

Ecology Services has a dedicated machine for punching and neutralizing aerosols, so that our customers receive proper treatment of spray containers.

It is very important in the factory or at home, to separate the sprays from the rest of the waste so that each container is treated properly.

A tragic example of a catastrophe that could happen is the explosion of a tank at a transit station for hazardous substances in 2008.

In the incident, which was caused as a result of negligent treatment in which 12 people were injured. It was later revealed that two of the injured had been killed.

To read an article from the YNET website from November 27, 2008, click here.

Another example of an almost catastrophic event that happened in 2015 the results of which, miraculously – constituted only destruction of property, was a violent explosion caused in an apartment in a building in Yavne where a romantic evening turned into a disaster when a spray can left near a lighted candle lead to a powerful explosion and luckily, no one lost their lives.

To read the article published on the Yavne portal on July 23, 2015, click here.

These two cases and many others not mentioned at this time, are cases that could have been avoided and human life could have been saved, if the danger hidden in the innocent-looking containers had been but a miracle.

Whether it is in our factory / business yard or in our living room, the danger is tangible and immediate.

The Ecology Services Company has a lateral approval from the Ministry of Environmental Protection for the safe handling of aerosol containers both for the worker who performs the punching and neutralization and for the environment.

The gas and liquid residues are transferred for treatment to the end-of-use site approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the empty tanks are compressed and transferred for metal recycling.

The facility handles both full and empty containers.

Even an empty container with ostensibly a small amount of danger – contains mostly liquid residues and flammable gas – is a literal ticking bomb.

The authorization by the lateral director on behalf of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, allows Ecology Services to remove hazardous materials from large customers (who dispose of over 50 tons of hazardous materials waste per year) without individual approval from the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

The lateral authorization also officially makes Ecology Services an end destination.

Among our customers in the field of aerosol treatment: Toiletries manufacturers, fragrance diffusers, marketers of deodorants and paint and oil sprays.

Also, most of the factories we work with make sure to collect the used containers that are used on the production floor in the factory, and transfer them to us for treatment as required.

At Ecology Services, we also carry out destructions on behalf of the Tax Authority for smuggled aerosol containers / containers that did not meet the standard.

The containers are handled in a combined manner – the containers are handled by a machine with manual feeding in order to avoid ‘misses’.

Our workers are qualified to operate the machine and of course work with the required protective equipment.

To watch a short video showing the handling of aerosols, click here.

So what can be done to avoid the danger of aerosols?

If it is a spray for home use, care must be taken to store it in a ventilated and cool place away from fire and out of reach of children.

When you have finished using the container, empty it in a well-ventilated place as much as possible and check where the container can be handled safely near you – do not throw the empty container in the trash!

In industrial use – keep the containers in a cool and ventilated place, away from fire and away from explosives.

The plant safety officer should be informed of the location of the storage of the containers.


Before ordering, consult with us

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