Accompanying Form for Hazardous Waste
The purpose of the form is to establish a connection between the waste manufacturer and the final destination, thereby maintaining the manufacturer’s principle of liability “from cradle to grave”.
The form will accompany each shipment of hazardous waste along its entire route to the final destination.
The information required to fill out the form:
- Details of the waste manufacturer.
- Description of the waste and its properties.
- Actions that the waste will undergo.
- Details of a transportation company.
- Details of a transit station and / or details of the final destination.
H – Hazardous properties of hazardous waste according to the European Directive (Table A)
R – Recovery operations according to the European Directive (Table B)
D – Disposal operations according to the European Directive (Table C)
How to fill out the form
Part A of the form will be filled in with all its details by the waste manufacturer, in 5 copies, including a serial number that will make it easier to identify the form in the future. Including the manufacturer’s signature and stamp
The carrier from the waste manufacturer fills in and stamps all copies in Part B.
One copy will remain with the waste manufacturer, and the rest of the copies will accompany the waste to the next destination.
When a transit station transports this waste to the final destination, the transit station stamps all copies of this part of the form.
This form continues to accompany the waste.
[In the event that a transit station has mixed waste from different manufacturers, new waste has been created. In this case, the transit station will send the signed form in Part E to the waste producer and fill out a new form (as the waste manufacturer) that will accompany the new waste.
In this case the form signed by the final destination will return to the transit station.]
The second carrier – from the transit station to the final destination – will fill in the details and sign the form in Part D. The form will progress with the waste to the final destination.
The final destination will fill out and sign on the form in Part E.
A copy of the form signed by the final destination will be returned to the waste manufacturer.
The final destination is the waste recycling plant, the treatment plant (including the Environmental Quality Services Company) and the transit station (where the transit station mixes this waste).
Each entity along the waste route (manufacturer, carriers, transit station and final destination) will keep a copy of the form.