Handling and recycling of empty packaging

Home >> Our Services >> Comprehensive Waste Management >> Handling and recycling of empty packaging

Form an impression of the selection of solutions to reduce the amount of empty packaging that is thrown into the trash every year after the use of various products in the industry.

We use advanced and unique “blue and white” technologies for the handling and recycling of empty packages that have contained and / or have come into contact with various hazardous materials, a handling process that is required by law.

In the past, the only solution for handling packaging that has come in contact with any hazardous material, was neutralization and subsequent burying at an authorized landfill site.

We have developed systems and technologies that have changed the rules of the game and now every company can afford to carry out handling and recycling of empty packaging.

We offer a range of solutions that are suitable for handling hard and soft empty packaging in a professional, legal and green manner!

Feel free to browse the service that is relevant to the type of packaging you want to recycle.

The Bride from Istanbul (Turkey) – handling soft empty packaging

Innovative technology at Ecology Services that is a global innovation in the field of soft packaging handling!

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Elizabeth – Handling of hard empty packaging

Efficient and professional handling of packaging and containers of all types of materials and sizes and in any quantity!

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